• Cyclotron Decommissioning

    Cyclotron Decommissioning Service

    A cylotron presents unique challenges... The decommissioning of a cyclotron poses a variety of challenges. The disassembling and handling of a cyclotron machine and its related waste can create unnecessary harm and liability if done incorrectly.

    Chase Environmental Group is licensed to fully decommission Cyclotrons from start to finish. Our personnel have vast experience in the decontamination and decommissioning of a variety of Cyclotron machines. We provide packaging, transportation and relocation of the cylotron machines and the waste generated during their removal. Our clients include a variety of universities, laboratories and hospitals in the successful disassembling, removal and decommissioning of cyclotrons.

    Contact us to see how we can assist you with your Cyclotron Decontamination and Decommissioning plans. E-mail: joneil@chaseenv.com or call: 865-816-6015.